The show is hosted by Michael Wigdor, of Stoughton, and Frank T. Walsh, of Weymouth.
Longtime friends, Wigdor and Walsh started hosting Sports Wrap in 2011 and have done more than 125 episodes together. Wigdor and Walsh focus on the Boston sports scene, mixing in some national sports headlines as well.
“We are very proud of Mike and Frank,” SMAC station manager Michael Hammond said. “They continually try innovative ways to improve their production and it's nice that their efforts have been recognized. They can now officially call their show "The Award Winning Sports Wrap."
“When the initial excitement [of winning] settled, my mind became like a slide projector that flashed images of the individuals who were instrumental in the development and growth of the show over the past three years,” Walsh said, thanking past and current SMAC staff members, as well as the show's director/production assistant, Roxanne Morse, of Stoughton.
Wigdor added, “There is no doubt that Frank and I have great chemistry and timing, and it has been a pleasure to do the show with my friend and co-host each week. Who knew Sports Wrap would have grown into an award-winning show from that very first episode three years ago. We've come a long way.”
The ACM-NE region includes the New England states, as well as New York. Sports Wrap episodes produced in 2013 were considered for this award.